
C.I. Agrofrut S.A.S. is a company that for over 30 years has been the leading agroindustry in tropical and exotic fruits processing. Our main product line focus on natural fruit pulps, in packaging intended for the chains of food service, retail and the hospitality industry in all the national territory and in more than 12 countries with our brands CANOA and CASA LOMA and more of 15 private labels.


We have our own storage center for frozen raw materials with a storage capacity of 1,600 racks, achieving continuous supply to our markets throughout the year..


We are one of the six companies selected by the American embassy via the U.S. department of agriculture USDA -FAS (Foreign Agricultural Service) for consulting and implementation of the FSMA law (Food Safety Modernization Act).

Integral management policy

At C.I. Agrofrut S.A.S. we process and market fruits, vegetables, tubers and cereals, complying with legal requirements, applicable standards and requirements agreed with clients. We work based on preventive analysis and risk management, seeking continuous improvement, satisfaction and well-being of all stakeholders and business continuity; generating culture and commitment through this management systems:


Working with a process-based approach, complying with process and product specifications and maintaining internal and external communication with stakeholders.



Ensuring that our operations are not used for illicit purposes, establishing processes and controls that prevent crimes related to corruption, bribery, drug trafficking and money laundering and financing of terrorism risks. Promoting safety in the use of information technologies.



Controlling the occurrence of accidents and occupational diseases, generating healthy and safe work environments.


Ensuring the quality and safety of our products for the consumer, ensuring the competence of our collaborators in food safety.



Generating applicable strategies in the environmental field, based on the management of significant aspects and impacts derived from the operation.



Establishing promotion, prevention and control activities in favor of road safety and mobility of all own and contracted workers, within the facilities, in operational areas and on public roads where own or subcontracted vehicles travel. Seeking to minimize traffic accidents or their effects on different road users.